Back from Summer Vacation
Well we are back from our wonderful summer vacation. One big thing that is different is that my niece, Aviana is back home with her mom( Steph ) so my family is back to 5 with a part time Uncle David! I really loved all of the quality family time. In South Carolina we stayed at the Breakers! The kids loved the lazy river and kids crafts. My favorite part was the view! So I would say our highlights were Medieval Times Dinner show, Nascar Speed Park, and of coarse the beach! Now that the dust has settled from the trip I've decided that I want to be able to have more family vacations like that. It was a lot of fun but can be on the expensive side. I have been looking at ways to cut costs and be a little greener. The worm farm is doing good as well as my topsy turvies . The aero garden lettuce died. I forgot to change the water level before we left so it was all dried out. (On a side note I've been working all week on how to put pictures on the blog.) Alexis has had a bad ra...