Back from Summer Vacation

Well we are back from our wonderful summer vacation. One big thing that is different is that my niece, Aviana is back home with her mom(Steph) so my family is back to 5 with a part time Uncle David! I really loved all of the quality family time. In South Carolina we stayed at the Breakers! The kids loved the lazy river and kids crafts. My favorite part was the view! So I would say our highlights were Medieval Times Dinner show, Nascar Speed Park, and of coarse the beach!

Now that the dust has settled from the trip I've decided that I want to be able to have more family vacations like that. It was a lot of fun but can be on the expensive side. I have been looking at ways to cut costs and be a little greener. The worm farm is doing good as well as my topsy turvies. The aero garden lettuce died. I forgot to change the water level before we left so it was all dried out. (On a side note I've been working all week on how to put pictures on the blog.)

Alexis has had a bad rash on her mouth and girl parts. No more Luvs diapers or cheap wipes for us.I bought some cloth wipes and a wipes warmer so we will see how that goes. I'm excited about the idea of having less trash. I have also been thinking about doing the gdiaper. It's not a cloth or a disposable. They call it a hybrid diaper. It can be both. I'm waiting to see what the reviews are about the cloth inserts. The cost to do the flushable inserts is a lot more than we are currently paying for huggies diapers. I'm trying to cut costs and be a little greener! The idea of doing cloth diapers is a little scarey. I guess the main reason is that my two in diapers do not have firm stools. The doctor thinks that they are lactose intolerant. That would explain a lot! So I'm gonna see how this whole cloth wipes thing goes.

I have also been researching the whole potty training boys thing. David will be four years old in November! I also keep in mind that he had two tummy surgeries which messed things up a little bit. Now that I think about it I think I should make a gastro follow up for him because they said it would take his body a little while to make "normal" stools again but now it's been like...two year! I can't believe that! Yeah I 'll defiantly be scheduling that follow up. That is way too long!

I am also trying to incorporate vitamins and exercise into this greener me. I joined a gym with childcare. Week one I went about 5 times :) The vitamins...well let's just say that I am forgetful. I have to figure out something because I really haven't been feeling well lately. I'll see what the doc says in a couple of weeks.


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