9 weeks 4 days!

Yesterday I had my first OB appointment. Well it was my registration and physical. I have been so sick :( I had an ultrasound and the best part was that Mike and the kids were there! We saw the baby moving around. We even got to hear the heartbeat! We are calling this baby SPECK. I found out about a month ago in the Emergency room. I had a cyst rupture and my blood work showed I was pregnant. It was way too early to see anything though. Mike and I are excited. The kids are hoping for a little brother so we can have the same number of boys and girls in our family.
On December 16 I will meet my doctor. The midwife told me that at 20 weeks I would go in every 2 weeks. She said I would have at least 3 more ultrasounds and at 28 weeks I would need to start coming in twice a week. We live in Stafford and the closest MTF is Dewitt at Fort Belvior. It looks like this pregnancy is going to be a real adventure for sure!