Remember the movie Horten hears a Who. There's a part where the Whos have to gather together and shout WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!  They have to band together one voice united to show the rest of the world that they really do exist. That's how I'm feeling. I'm not a tiny Who. But rather a mother of 4 small children. My blogging time is a luxury. But I want you all to know: WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE ! 

Well 8 months ago our Jacob was born at 36 weeks. Now that makes 2 Boys and 2 Girls!
 Here's a picture of him a couple of him a week old.

Life has been very fast paced ever since. So far it has been a very big change to going from a family of 5 to a family of 6. Jacob is a very welcome addition to our family but as I often forget, babies can be hard work! Life just now is just now starting to feel a little normal. Here's a picture of Jacob at 3 months. 

I think that is in part due to the fact that David started preschool in the fall.

It's so hard to get out and moving with a new baby in the house. Alexis misses her big brother but David really need the time to prepare for kindergarten. Olivia my little reader started first grade this year. Here's a few photos showing her excitement on the first day of school. 

It's been a very busy school year thus far. But we can accomplish anything as a family!

Hey where's Jacob?




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