It Takes a Village
Faith in Family Life
We’ve all heard the African saying, “It takes a village to raise a child. In today's fast-paced
world where do we find such a village? Well, the first place to look is our own family.
There’s parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. What if we are far from
our families? Then we could turn to our neighbors, schools, and communities. What if they
do not share our same values and thinking that we wish to teach our children? Many people
have turned to their schools with disappointing results. Who then should we turn to? Our church
We likely share many of the same values with our church family. I am so thankful to be a
part of a worldwide church. My husband is a soldier and we often move. I don’t have to find
a new church family whenever we move.
The Family: A Proclamation to the World teaches us, “ Successful marriages and families
are established and maintained on principles of faith [and] prayer.” There are numerous
scientific studies citing its importance.
“In the words of one African American father, “When you believe in God . . . yes, the boat still
gets to rockin’ but [God] says, ‘In me, you can weather the storm’”. Social science evidence
suggests that shared faith appears to be a principle upon which “successful marriages and
families are established and maintained,” even during the storm."
The quoted selection and themes are from my textbook;
Marriages and Families Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives
Edited by Alan J. Hawkins David C. Dollahite Thomas W. Draper