Rain rain go away!

Rain, rain, and more rain! The kids are going crazy inside the house.Next week will be the officical start of our family's summer! We are heading to Williamsburg, Myrtle Beach, and last but not least camping(in a cabin for father's day!) I can't wait! All the worms are alive. Thankfully our most high maitenance pets are our fish and we can just put in some fish feeders. We bought 3 topsy turvies and they seem to be doing well. I'm not liking the strawberry one because the birds think that it's for them. We are also growing some lettuce inside with the aero garden. It's fun! Mike said it's the most expensive salad we have ever eaten. I'm sure over time it will pay for itself. Maybe ;)
We are in the process of having our backyard cleared. The rain just won't stop! Our backyard looks like a huge mud puddle. Olivia wants to plant more seeds! She is too cute. We've been planting on the game farmtown on face book because the weather is so nasty. All I can say is "Rain, rain, go away!"


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